Apr 25Liked by Jill Dupleix

Woolies have a “baked in-store”jumbo soft burger bun that I humbly highly recommend

It isn’t at all artisanal or premium, but it is a perfect receptacle for a juicy homemade burger

Dense enough to absorb, light enough to not overwhelm, neutral enough to let the filling shine

And not ruddy brioche! 😉

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Thank you, good tip.

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'LOL' as they say...Love a lamb burger, intact fingers, no bloodshed and 'just right' burger buns. And I also find most buns either too floppy or domineering. Thanks for the ideas Jill and MelMac! Lamb burgers are on the menu next week.

While I'm here, Jill, how do you make chicken liver pate light and fluffy? I devoured the fluffy moussey kind (with friends) at a wonderful SA eatery recently. So inspired, for the very first time I made my own. Cream, brandy, port, garlic, thyme, green pepper and of course the chook livers - it was really yummy and such a blast from the past. But the consistency was not as light as I had hoped. Is there a trick to it? 😊

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Have to have the bun here and I’ll probs go double cheese 🤷‍♀️

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I’m like you re buns with burgers, but I have given in and used Turkish rolls, cut in half then half again, toasted, topped with Hommus and lettuce, beetroot, as you said hard to get unless you cook your own, tomato salsa and perhaps an egg. And then I only eat the bottom half passing my top to my husband. In fact last night we had burgers without buns, even better 😂

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