I’ve just discovered this recipe - I’m a late starter. Late to biscuit making, too. I didn’t grow up with a family who ever made biscuits. We just bought them, the grocer counted them out from a big Arnotts tin of Mixed. I’ve always believed I can’t bake, but now in the very eve of turning 80, I think I’ll pluck up my courage and give these a try, Jill. I think you wrote this for me, and you’ve made it sound possible.

And a million thanks for using the perfectly good word ‘crisper’. Why oh why do so many recipe writers say ‘crispy’ or ‘crispier’?

Thank you, and cheers,


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Thank you Dawn - never too late to start baking a good biscuit. Go for it!

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Complete winner material! They sound divine!

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You deserve #1 fan status with this corker. Thank you!

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Terry’s dedication to duty is to be commended

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Made these and they are so good, perfect ginger nut texture! But nicer buttery taste. I used honey because I didn’t have golden syrup, no problem.

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Thanks Barb, that's good to know!

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Loved this - put a smile on my face and a giggle in my head, plus a keenness to make and eat these 'Matilda' biscuits. Go Jill!

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Weekend treats sorted ❤️

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One of my favourite biscuits...ginger nut.. can you buy them anymore? I guess even if you can they won’t taste like they did when I was growing up. Yep, the best way is to make your own! Thank you for your interpretation. 👏👏

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