Thank you for a particularly lovely post today. My heritage is Greek Cypriot and I’ve appreciated Greg’s recipes over the years (decades! 😂) because of the similarities to my late mum’s culinary repertoire. I love your fattoush salad recipe and really appreciate your advice about how to prepare kale, which I hope will increase its appeal for my family. They love spinach but are wary of kale and silverbeet, which I’m fond of. I also appreciate your guidance on adding and subtracting ingredients. It’s something we all do when we cook but it’s comforting to know that it’s sanctioned by the recipe’s author.

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What a sad loss, Greg joins several great chefs who are now cooking up a storm in Heaven… My sister gave me my first recipe for Fattoush, and all these years later it still sits in the recipe stand, I don’t know why I have never put away in my recipe file. It is an absolutely simple salad, but now you have made it a standout. I really must try that massaging method with Kale, due to it being, as you said, tough and prickly, which surprises me that anyone thought it was a great vegetable to eat in the first place. Thank you for your suggestion re the sausages, you are such a font of information regarding improvisation and ideas that most of us wouldn’t even think about.

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