Sep 11Liked by Jill Dupleix

Sounds delicious, I’m going to make for a luncheon this weekend. Will it serve 8 ?

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Yes, because it's so rich. Slice with a good knife, and wipe the knife between each slice to keep a clean cut. Enjoy!

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I’m sitting here on a hospital bed waiting to go in for surgery, having not eaten or drunk anything since 7pm yesterday, and then this pops up in my email. Now you have made me really hungry! I may have to pass the recipe on to my grandson as he now has my mixmaster. You have made the Basque cheesecake sound even more delicious. Thank you Jill

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Good luck, Sally! I'd be putting in an order now with said grandson - you need something like this to look forward to! xJ

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What an incredible organisation, doing so much good. Oh and you two look fabulous as usual

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Hi Jill this looks similar to a Roman one in the Time Life series, delicious. But always the worry about "is is done" - the scientist here LOVES using a food thermometer, you (almost) never get it wrong then. Even thought of putting the "done" internal temp on anything like this?

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If you halved the recipe, what sized tin would you recommend?

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